3 Flies for the Week: June 4
I feel like a broken record saying this, but yet again spring runoff is upon us. This means that your favorite moving body of water is probably blown out, with a few exceptions. In the last week, the lower Colorado has hit the 10,000 cfs mark, indicating high runoff. Some rivers that were holding on strong, such as the Blue, have seen a jump in flows as well, making them less fishable than before.
With all that being said, some areas are seeing little to no effects from runoff, or the effects are making them fish better than they usually do. This is mainly the South Platte and more specifically, the Dream Stream, Eleven Mile Canyon, Cheesman Canyon, and Deckers. The Dream and Eleven Mile have seen minimal jumps in flow, with both sitting at about 100 cfs. This means you have to change very little from your regular setup to effectively fish these waters. Cheesman and Deckers have higher flows than usual, with Cheesman at 411 cfs and Deckers at 530 cfs. Just like in weeks past, this is enabling anglers to fish with bigger leeches, scuds, eggs, worms, and even streamers.
The state is supposed to get HOT this week, which means that alpine lakes are thawing, and the lowland lakes are having great chironomid hatches. This is a great way to get out during the runoff season since it is a safe bet for a solid day of fishing, plus lake fish tend to be bigger than their river counterparts.
If you are planning on floating or wading in one of the rivers or streams affected by runoff, we ask that you take precautions and be safe. Runoff is when the most accidents happen, and the loss of life is a much more real consequence of making poor decisions on the water. With that being said, let's jump into this week's three flies!
Spot On Egg - Chartreuse sz 16 (In Store Only)
While it is runoff season, it is also spawning season for a lot of the rainbow and cutthroat trout. While we do advise that you give spawning fish that are displaying mating behavior or on a redd (light patch of dirt where they lay their eggs) plenty of space, there are plenty of fish that are in pre or post-spawn or not even spawning at all. With the high flows, fish will be less willing to move a lot to eat your size 24 midge; however, they can be more than willing to move for a larger, higher source of protein like an egg that has been carried away by the current.
Tungsten Caviar Scud - Rainbow sz 16 (In Store Only)
Before I say too much about this fly, it is good to know if there are actually scuds in the body of water you are fishing. I see people have success on one body of water with scuds and then think that it will be that way everywhere. Scuds are great flies to fish but won’t do you much good in a body of water where the fish never see them.
With that being said, if you do know there are scuds in the body of water you are fishing, this is one of my favorite patterns. The hot head bead makes it a great attractor, and fish may even take it thinking it is an egg. The body provides great movement and also vaguely resembles other nymphs as well. Fish love scuds, and they can be a key factor in a big fish’s diet, so make sure you have some of these in your box.
High Viz Micro Chubby - Black/Purple sz 14 (Available Online)
While not a ton of fish are looking to crush a dry right now, this is your best bet to make that happen. This fly is also going to float through the rougher, higher flows like a champ. I like the black chubby because it makes a pronounced silhouette on the surface, which catches the fish’s attention. I also really like the size 14 in black because it represents beetles, ants, and a small hopper rather than just a hopper. This makes it a great fly to fish on classic hopper-dropper areas as well as smaller streams and alpine lakes, where ants and beetles that fall into the water make up a large portion of the fish’s diet. Make sure to give the micro chubby a shot as we work our way into dry fly season!
I hope you enjoyed this week's fly iteration. The boys at GFS hope to see all of you getting out on the water and enjoying the warm weather, regardless of what you catch. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at harperloki@gmail.com or call the shop at 303-330-1292. Tight lines!
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