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Tryston with a nice Brown

3 Flies for the Week: October 15

Written by: Xavier Puls



Time to read 3 min

We’re back with another three flies for the week! We hope everyone has had a fishy fall thus far and ready for even more action in the coming weeks. Weather in the next coming days seems rather stable until we reach the weekend where we’ll get a nice drop in temperature. This will be a relief on water temperatures (and hopefully the fishing crowds) and will lead to much more active fish. Although fishing has not been slow by any means, however, with the stages of fall already underway our water and air temperatures should be much lower. The fish certainly know how things are supposed to be, so I’m sure they’re looking forward to the cooler weekend as well.

Be cautious while fishing throughout the next month or so as brown trout will be spawning. Please avoid walking on or around redds (spawning beds), as well as fishing to them or any fish hanging near them. This does not mean you cannot fish the water in a fair zone below them though, and I encourage you to do so as rainbows and non-spawning browns will be stacked below these active spawning fish eating their eggs! This type of water is typically in the pools and deep runs below these areas and most certainly NOT in the faster water with the redds.

Anyways, fishing should be fantastic with spawning browns throwing eggs in the water in addition to the thick fall BWO hatches. With the plethora of food, trout will be looking to eat as much as possible to prepare for the winter months to come.

So without further ado, let’s get to this week’s flies.

#1: Soft Milking Egg - Apricot sz12

Like I mentioned before, it’s egg season! Fishing an egg is one of the best flies during the fall season, when fished responsibly of course. Fishing eggs is slower, deeper pockets of water right now is going to be ideal. The soft milking egg is one of, if not the most realistic egg pattern on the market. Its soft, squishy body so closely resembles the texture of a real egg that trout can barely tell the difference. The only thing stopping this fly from catching every fish in the river is the hook that directly opposes the soft egg material. Still, it catches plenty of fish. Keep in mind that due to the flies’ soft body, they don’t last very long so be prepared to have quite a few in your box. The apricot coloration of this super realistic egg pattern seems to be the ticket most of the time, however, switching colors can yield better results when fishing good runs come up unfruitful. 

#2: Clear Choice May - Baetis sz22

In addition to it being egg season, it’s also BWO season. Fish absolutely love BWO’s and I don’t know why, it’s like they have MSG genetically embedded in them! This is an over exaggeration, but there’s been endless times where I’ve seen trout ignore bigger food sources in favor of BWO’s. And yes, this includes eggs.

Just like the soft milking egg, the clear choice may is one of the most realistic BWO patterns on the market. We’ve seen extended body mayfly adults for decades now, but not until this year have we seen it executed correctly on a nymph pattern. Due to its ultra realism, this fly is absolutely deadly! However, just like the soft milking egg, this fly is not very durable due to the materials used to build this ultra realistic pattern. It’s certainly a trade off when using patterns like these two, but the numbers of fish it brings in is worth it.

#3: Parachute Adams - sz22

The all-time classic is yet again on the flies for the week. It’s just so hard to beat a small parachute adams during a BWO hatch. This fly has plenty of text on it, so I’ll save you the read.

Best of luck on the water this week and we hope these 3 Flies for the Week: October 15 catch a fish or two for ya. All three flies are available on our website and all are available in the shop.

Xavier Puls holding a large Cut Bow Trout

Xavier Puls

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to Xavier on email at, or call the shop at 303-330-1292. Thank you!

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